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AMMO by Mig Jimenez

Úvod » Literatúra, katalógy, DVD » GRAVITY 1.0 - SCI-FI MODELLING PERFECT GUIDE (ENG)




Číslo produktu: A.MIG-6110
Výrobca: AMMO by Mig Jimenez
Jazyk: anglicky
Dostupnosť: Skladom
Dodanie do: 2-4 dni
28,50 €

do košíka:

GRAVITY 1.0 "2000´s" - is First book of a new series. Include 10 of the most dynamic Sci-Fi Models & Exclusive interview with Ian Hunter (Oscar Winner).

In the year 2019 we will celebrate 50 years since the small step for a man but big step for humanity. But there are many more years in which man has looked to the stars with wonder and facination.
From AMMO we join the tribute to the future with a compilation of models from the last 70 years of Science Fiction and fantasy in a series that begins with this first volume of the Gravity collection.

This volume includes models shown through their detailed step-by-step assembly as well as painting of ships and vehicles representing Science Fiction and fantasy subjects of the last 20 years. We have also created a very special atmosphere for you which includes history, anecdotes, interesting data from the movies and much more so that this adventure is not just another book of modeling with a new theme, but a reference and compendium of information and summary of the emotions of a whole generation of dreamers. And this is only the beginning... we still have more than 50 years to go!

Soft cover, more than 180 pages in full color. Written by: José Luis Lopéz


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Zákonným dôvodom spracovanie Vašich osobných údajov je Váš súhlas dávaný týmto správcovi v zmysle čl. 6 ods. 1 písm. a) Nariadenie Európskeho parlamentu a Rady 2016/679 o ochrane fyzických osôb pri spracovaní osobných údajov a o voľnom pohybe týchto údajov a o zrušení smernice 95/46/ES. Účelom spracovania Vašich osobných údajov je hlavne korektné vybavenie vašich objednávok (t.j. zasielanie daňových dokladov a expedovanie zásielok zvolenými prepravnými spoločnosťami... prípadne obchodné oznámenia, či iné marketingové aktivity správcu voči Vašej osobe).


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